Coping with marital problems and divorce

On Behalf of | Jul 2, 2020 | Divorce |

For Minnesota couples going through a divorce, the level of stress can be nearly unparalleled, making it even harder to keep a job afloat. As such, there are some rules that people should keep in mind when navigating a divorce or other relationship hardship.

While at the workplace, it is best not to get into the details of problems going on at home. However, if an employee is going through something as serious as a divorce, it is probably a good idea to give a superior a head’s up. When someone is going through a divorce, there is a good chance that he or she will not be performing the best at work, meaning there is more risk of missing a deadline or falling short on some other metric. It is better for a boss to know ahead of time that an employee may not be up to certain tasks rather than finding out after the fact.

Though some people have trouble focusing at work during a separation, others try to throw themselves into their jobs as a means of distraction. This is not the most effective strategy, in part because there is no way to fully distract oneself from the drama of a divorce. Additionally, like any addiction or unhealthy coping mechanism, being a workaholic is not a good substitute for therapy and a support network.

Someone going through a divorce should be prepared to take a sick day off from work as necessary to cope. It may also help to have a family law attorney handling the more intricate details of a divorce, such as vying for certain items of marital property.


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