What causes divorce and where does central litigation focus lie?

On Behalf of | Oct 22, 2019 | Divorce |

No two Minnesota households are exactly the same. Many, however, include married couples as well as married couples with children. Whether a particular relationship has lasted several decades or a couple has only been together five years or less, day-to-day stress and various issues can cause strain between spouses, which sometimes leads to divorce.

A group of divorce financial analysts conducted a survey and learned that the most commonly reported cause of divorce is incompatibility. When a relationship is new, not having much in common may actually be a source of attraction. However, living year after year without being able to relate to one another can be taxing and ultimately cause a marriage to crumble.

Another problem factor in many marital break-ups reportedly has to do with sexual or intimacy issues. Such issues often spark additional problems in a marriage, such as infidelity. Spouses who feel betrayed or that their emotional or intimacy needs are not being met may decide that ending the relationship is better than staying in an unhappy marriage.

Many spouses in Minnesota and elsewhere say they are tired of arguing about money. It is a fact that financial disagreements often lead to divorce. Finances are also often the central focus of proceedings, especially nowadays, when many marriages include complex assets, such as business ownership, commercial real estate and investments. To help protect one’s interests when these or other issues lead to divorce, it is a good idea to connect with an experienced family law attorney before heading to court.


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