Ex wives of celebrities discuss divorce issues

On Behalf of | Jul 17, 2019 | Divorce |

A recent TV interview featured several women who used to married to Hollywood super stars. During the interview, they were asked questions about divorce. The ladies definitely had different opinions on certain matters. No two Minnesota divorces are exactly the same, and whether or not a particular person can relate to the issues these former wives experienced depends on the specific factors in his or her own situation.

One of the women interviewed was Camille Grammer, ex-wife of Hollywood icon Kelsey Grammer. The fact that she still carries her former husband’s last name was one of the issues discussed. When asked why, she simply stated that she has two children with Grammer and did not want her kids to have a different last name than her.

Grammer also spoke about not having a prenuptial agreement when she married her former spouse. She reportedly received $30 million as a settlement in her divorce back in 2011. Grammer said at the time, however, that while she’s glad she never signed a pre-marital contract the first time around, she would never again marry without one.

Ex-wife of Charlie Sheen, Denise Richards, also mentioned that she did not have a prenuptial agreement before getting married. She also noted that this might have entitled her to request half of Sheen’s income, but she did not. Grammer noted that longevity of marriage has a significant impact on property division proceedings, adding that she and her ex were together for 13 years, while Richards and Sheen divorced after only five years of marriage.

In addition to name changes, financial settlements and prenuptial agreements, Minnesota residents who divorce may also encounter challenges regarding child custody, visitation or child support. Especially in high asset situations, such as many celebrity cases, it pays to hire an experienced family law attorney before heading to court. An attorney is well-versed in the laws of this state and can help make sure a concerned client obtains a settlement that protects his or her interests as well as the interests of any children involved.


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